Your copy of the Davis-Monthan Airfield Register 1925-1936 with all the pilots' signatures and helpful cross-references to pilots and their aircraft is available at the link. 375 pages with black & white photographs and extensive tables
The Congress of Ghosts (available as eBook) is an anniversary celebration for 2010. It is an historical biography, that celebrates the 5th year online of and the 10th year of effort on the project dedicated to analyze and exhibit the history embodied in the Register of the Davis-Monthan Airfield, Tucson, AZ. This book includes over thirty people, aircraft and events that swirled through Tucson between 1925 and 1936. It includes across 277 pages previously unpublished photographs and texts, and facsimiles of personal letters, diaries and military orders. Order your copy at the link.
Military Aircraft of the Davis Monthan Register 1925-1936 is available at the link. This book describes and illustrates with black & white photographs the majority of military aircraft that landed at the Davis-Monthan Airfield between 1925 and 1936. The book includes biographies of some of the pilots who flew the aircraft to Tucson as well as extensive listings of all the pilots and airplanes. Use this FORM to order a copy signed by the author, while supplies last.
Art Goebel's Own Story by Art Goebel (edited by G.W. Hyatt) is written in language that expands for us his life as a Golden Age aviation entrepreneur, who used his aviation exploits to build a business around his passion. Available as a free download at the link.
Winners' Viewpoints: The Great 1927 Trans-Pacific Dole Race (available as eBook) is available at the link. This book describes and illustrates with black & white photographs the majority of military aircraft that landed at the Davis-Monthan Airfield between 1925 and 1936. The book includes biographies of some of the pilots who flew the aircraft to Tucson as well as extensive listings of all the pilots and airplanes. Use this FORM to order a copy signed by the author, while supplies last.
Clover Field: The first Century of Aviation in the Golden State (available in paperback) With the 100th anniversary in 2017 of the use of Clover Field as a place to land aircraft in Santa Monica, this book celebrates that use by exploring some of the people and aircraft that made the airport great. 281 pages, black & white photographs.
I'm looking for information and photographs of pilot Cleveland and his airplane to include on this page. If you have some you'd like to share, please click this FORM to contact me.
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E.W. Cleveland landed once at Parks Field, on Wednesday, June 18, 1930. He flew the Travel Air he identified as NC9965. He cited his destination as Winnepeg, Canada. Below, courtesy of site visitor and Cleveland family member, is a photograph of Cleveland with his wife. The airplane is a Travel Air 6000-B, S/N 1091.
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Our photo donor states that the photograph, "... is from 1930 with Pop and my grandmother in front of NC9965. She notes that she was 6 weeks pregnant with my mother at the time."
Below, Cleveland poses in 1934 with a Stinson SR-5E, S/N 9239-A. We know the date of the photo, because the Ohio license plate on the car reads 1934. The automobile I believe is a 1933-34 Ford (think Bonnie & Clyde).
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Our contributor states, this, "... photo is a commercial photo of Pop with NC13865. The name on the fuselage appears to be Miss Aerol IV." The airplane does not appear in any airfield Register.
Cleveland made the rounds of our Airfields. He also flew the Travel Air to the Parks Airport on June 18, 1930, with The dates of landing at Pitcairn and Parks are close enough together that it is not too far of a stretch to believe he was on a sales trip for his company (See below) and these landings were part of the same itinerary. He also landed three times at the Davis-Monthan Airfield.
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He also landed at Pitcairn Field twice. He signed the Register on August 11, 1928 flying the Ryan B-1 Brougham, NC1159. His second landing was on May 21, 1930. This time he flew the Travel Air he identified as NC9965. Based at Cleveland, OH, he was headed for Winnepeg, Canada as his destination.
E.W. Cleveland was born in Naples, NY on November 5, 1889 (some sources give 1890 as the year). He was a decade or so older than the cohort of pilots who passed through our airfields, therefore the nickname "Pop". He was a part of the stuff of general aviation during the Golden Age: air races; air tours; flying businessman; aviation event official; a real booster of the art. He is particularly well known for his activities during the National Air Races, the Ford Reliability Tours, and as a flying salesman for the Cleveland Pneumatic Tool Company, Cleveland, OH. Above left, an early color photograph shows Cleveland next to a company airplane, in this case a Beech Staggerwing. He went to work for Cleveland Pneumatic in 1927. Cleveland's biography is online at the Davis-Monthan Airfield Register Web site at the link.
He carried Transport pilot certificate number T1815.
THIS PAGE UPLOADED: 06/22/13 REVISED: 06/02/15